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Peter Parker
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Test Product – testing Mal’s.mals test
LargeCarMag DVD This is our first ever DVD! It features footage from the 2010 and 2011 LargeCarMag Southern Classic shows as well as interviews with some of the drivers and a feature on the rebuilding of the classic firebird. All prices include shipping. [buy_button...
January 2012 Cover
Members Only! You must be a member to view this page. Please login here or if you don’t have a membership signup here! Membership to the LCM Digital Magazine is 100% FREE. Thanks!...January 2012 Editorial
Members Only! You must be a member to view this page. Please login here or if you don’t have a membership signup here! Membership to the LCM Digital Magazine is 100% FREE. Thanks!...Upcoming Shows
Upcoming Shows [wplistcal display_mode=”list”, event_format=”%NAME%”, date_format=”M j, Y g:ia”, max_events=”-1″, show_past_events=”false”, advance_days=”-1″, event_order=”asc”,...
Kevin Patterson
So a few years back we are at the big show in Englishtown New Jersey checking things out when we see a truly gorgeous Kenworth W900B. We have to feature this truck was all I could think, but we couldn’t find the owner. About a year later we get an E mail from Kevin Patterson with a picture of the W900B he owns, the same beautiful W900B I wanted to feature so bad at Englishtown.

Jan 2012 Reader’s Rides
Jeremy Rempel, aka JR, sent us these pictures of his 2005 Peterbilt 379X and the 1987 Peterbilt 359 his brother drives for his dad.

Jan 2012 Riding Around
Rich Stark caught these two large W900A’s at the Petro in Effingham Il. Nice catch Rich!!!

Model of the Month
Reece Murphy sent us this 1/25th scale truck and trailer. Reece added the bumper, painted the visor, battery boxes, pipes, deck plate and air line box.

Kevin Harrison
Kevin Harrison of Auburn Washington owns this 2003 Peterbilt 379 and 2004 Great Dane reefer.