January 2012 Editorial
Current Issue Navigation<< January 2012 CoverJan 2012 Riding Around >> January, 2012 Editorial The January 2012 online issue of LargeCarMag.com is now available. Happy New Year! Our LCM Southern Classic Truck Show DVD is available for purchase...
Kevin Patterson
So a few years back we are at the big show in Englishtown New Jersey checking things out when we see a truly gorgeous Kenworth W900B. We have to feature this truck was all I could think, but we couldn’t find the owner. About a year later we get an E mail from Kevin Patterson with a picture of the W900B he owns, the same beautiful W900B I wanted to feature so bad at Englishtown.

Jan 2012 Reader’s Rides
Jeremy Rempel, aka JR, sent us these pictures of his 2005 Peterbilt 379X and the 1987 Peterbilt 359 his brother drives for his dad.

Jan 2012 Riding Around
Rich Stark caught these two large W900A’s at the Petro in Effingham Il. Nice catch Rich!!!

Model of the Month
Reece Murphy sent us this 1/25th scale truck and trailer. Reece added the bumper, painted the visor, battery boxes, pipes, deck plate and air line box.

Kevin Harrison
Kevin Harrison of Auburn Washington owns this 2003 Peterbilt 379 and 2004 Great Dane reefer.

Convoy Chrome Show 2011
Convoy Chrome Shop in Long Island, New York held its annual truck show on Sunday September 25, 2011 at the MacArthur Airport. Over one hundred working and show trucks from all over New York and New Jersey came out to show off in the brisk September air.

January 2012 Flashback
I caught this months flashback in Newington Va. In the late 80’s. Was rare to see a North American truck that wasn’t painted white back then, especially a Peterbilt 352 like this one.

Walcott Trucker’s Jamboree
The annual Walcott Trucker’s Jamboree was held July 14th and 15th 2011. I’ve been going to this show since 1995 and overall, its participation appeared lower this year – presumably due to the economy and subsequent high fuel prices. However, the trucks that were there this year were top-notch in both the modern and antique categories.

January 2012 Diesel Doodles
Ten year Billy Koedam drew this incredible doodle of his dad’s 2004 Peterbilt 379 pulling a tanker. Great work Billy!

Days Gone By January 2012
Story by Michael Hubert
Photos By Michael Hubert – Harry Patterson, Neil Sherff & PhilipWolff. In this installment of Days Gone By I thought I’d try something a little different. We’re featuring an all Kenworth theme, highlighting the Iconic Apache paint scheme, or as it’s more commonly referred to, the “Moving On” paint job.