December 2015 Editorial
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This truck may look familiar to you, yet different. The 2007 Peterbilt 379 you see here, is owned by Dallas McCord, of Anderson, IN.

Dec. 15 Reader’s Rides
Brett Irlmeier sent us these pictures of his 1979 Peterbilt 352.

2015 Transport for Christ
The 2015 Transport For Christ Truck Rally was unfortunately a wash out this year, this is the first time in the 13 years we have been attending that it has rained all day.

Dec. 2015 Model of the Month
Robby Gaines sent us this very cool 359 model.

Dec. 2015 Tattoo
Mike Witwer sent us this issue’s tattoo.

Dec. 2015 Diesel Doodles
Seven year old Brendan Conroy has a thing for cabover areodynes ( because he has good taste!) and drew this incredible picture of a K100 aerodyne, very cool.